Wide Array of Photograph, Stories, Essays, Inspiration, and Conversation.

Global Shop

PAL-WOL, Renata Kats, 2023

The subject of love: it’s a universal concept.
At the time when I started my research, was in desperate need of a story that would help reshape my perception of love in a modern world. When I began my search, many stories I encountered lacked sincerity and depth. I was searching for an out of this world pulsating energy. Then I met Pierre and Jiyeonne, a French-Korean couple who, once they met on a dating app on the 21st of August 2018, have not left each other’s sides since.

ISBN: 979-11-982919-4-3(03660)


BERLIN PHOTOBOOK DISTRIBUTION is a publisher brand established in 2023 with bases in Berlin and Seoul. We pursue new cultural experiences and artistic advancement, aiming to create value in which diversity and creative ideas coexist. To achieve this, BERLIN PHOTOBOOK DISTRIBUTION publishes and distributes content and art books by numerous creative authors with various perspectives.


Wide Array of Photograph, Stories, Essays, Inspiration, and Conversation.


We introduce various topics to provide readers with new perspectives and ideas, as well as to offer a great opportunity to obtain in-depth information through conversations with people from different fields.

About Us

BERLIN PHOTOBOOK DISTRIBUTION is a publisher brand established in 2023 with bases in Berlin and Seoul. We pursue new cultural experiences and artistic advancement, aiming to create value in which diversity and creative ideas coexist.

To achieve this, BERLIN PHOTOBOOK DISTRIBUTION publishes and distributes content and art books by numerous creative authors with various perspectives.